Monday, June 9, 2008

Thanks Mom and Dad!

My parents drove down last week to come and help us with are back yard and to receive some dental care. Not only was it fun to have them here with our family, my Dad was a huge help in our yard. I always appreciate his optomistic outlook when problems arise and his "make-it-happen" attitude! He poured us a beautiful new pad of concrete, built a brick wall, and leveled our yard out quite nicely so it's ready for REAL grass! Yep, that right, REAL grass. He told Brett if we put fake grass in he would disown us:) I know it was expensive and quite a hassle for them to drive down, but I hope they know how much we appreciate all their hard work and more than anything, just coming down to here and being a part of lives in AZ!


Dawn said...

Yay! It's finally happening! I just know that it puts a smile on your face every time you look out the window! Can't wait to see the finished project, when are you going to get to your bedroom? My offer to help stands!

Sabra said...

Thanks for clearing up the DH. I'm not bloglingual. I'm so glad your parents were able to come down. I'm still a fan of the artificial grass though!

Ann Marie said...

Cute picture of your Dad on the tractor. Man, that's 3 huge projects done! Congrats!
Artificial grass? I wish you would have taken a picture. I just can't imagine it. I hope you take a picture of the back after it's all completed!!

Tam said...

Did your Dad seriously haul down that tractor thing? I know Dave takes his yard working seriously but ... I think you have to have real grass in AZ. Watering it sucks but it is so worth it! We knew we needed to buy grass after we had lived in AZ 6 months then went home, my kids were so excited to play on the little patch in front of Nielsen Frzn Custard.